Friday, September 10, 2010


While out on Friday night, Siobhan noticed two Americans that she recognized from our flight. We got to talking to them in the bar, as well as we could with all the background music (mostly classic and modern American rock) and chatter. It turned out that the guy, Jesse, works in DC and lives in Northern Virginia, and the girl, Vanessa, is from and lives in MA. Sounds a bit like us, no? They are old friends who go on periodic vacations together.

Jesse proposed that we do a shot of BrennivĂ­n, an Icelandic schnapps considered to be the country's signature alcohol beverage. After some hesitation we all had one, but Siobhan and I did not care for it much. I thought that it tasted like rye bread, and she felt like her "body might reject it."

To complete our Icelandic experience we went to a popular hot dog stand, called Bæjarins beztu, which has been frequented by Bill Clinton, where Jesse and I tried one. Despite its popularity and reputation, I thought it was an average hot dog at best.

About this time we proposed the possibility of doing a road trip together, having heard that their itinerary was somewhat similar to ours. We met the next night for a bit to firm up the plans, and decided that we would all head out together the next morning for a three-day road trip.

Siobhan posed in front of the popular grocery store chain on the walk home.

1 comment:

  1. As a side note, the famous Icelandic Schnapps is nicknamed "Black Death". I brought a bottle home when we were there. It was pretty rough stuff if I remember.


    PS: Love the pictures!
