Friday, September 10, 2010

Quirky Iceland = Quirky Apartment

I use the term endearingly, but there's just no getting around describing Iceland as quirky. Everything seems to be a bit different than we are accustomed to, and sometimes even downright weird, for better or worse. With that in mind, one would expect there to be some interesting things about our apartment, and it does not disappoint.

A few interesting characteristics of our apartment:

1) Thanks to geothermal heating, the water is sometimes instantly hot enough to burn when it's first turned on. It's especially important to be careful when getting in the shower!

2) To flush the toilet we have to pull up on a screw that is sticking out of a wooden board across the top of the toilet's water tank.

3) We have a "balcony" off our room, which is really just a fairly narrow ledge with no railing to prevent a three-story plummet.

4) Our apartment includes a huge collection of weird, old VHS tapes, but we have no VCR. Fortunately there are plenty of weird, old DVDs too.

5) We have a strange washing machine in the basement, which inexplicably works or does not work, and often needs a good kick before the door will open.

And speaking of quirky, what is the deal with these people that Siobhan encountered?!  They wanted her to take their picture, as if they had to ask.


  1. OMG!! The last picture in this post is HILARIOUS!!
    Dreamy apt, btw. :)
    xo, Tab

  2. These guys remind me a LOT of either Clockwork Orange or Tenacious D's "Pick of Destiny"! But maybe they are just advertising a new laundry detergent for the "real" white...

  3. Can we get a picture of the "balcony"? Im really excited to come visit you guys at some point along your journey. Please keep me abreast (tee hee) of your itinerary and we will work something out fo sho!

  4. It's funny that you found those "Clockwork Orange" guys, since I immediately imagined the "weird" DVD/VHS movies to be much like the Lodovico Method. Either that, or weird arthouse black and whites about a hobo, a snare drum, and a balloon.
